Shifting the Spotlight: The Rise of Daytime Award Ceremonies

Inside Troxy taken from upstairs

Award events celebrating the achievements of individuals, teams and organisations have become a staple for many industries.

Traditionally, these glitzy events take place in the evening and centre around a drinks reception, three course seated dinner, sometimes questionable comedian presenters and come to a close in the early hours of the morning.

Recently however, we are seeing a pattern of daytime award events emerging, so why are  organisers looking to make that shift?

Daytime award ceremonies actually offer several benefits for organisers and attendees alike, which is why they’re fast becoming the next hot trend. We’ve put together four reasons why event planners should scrap the evening-do and look to plan their next dazzling day event.

Keep Flexin’

Daytime events offer greater flexibility for guests. Evening events can be inconvenient for some attendees, particularly those with family commitments or long commutes, but daytime functions are more inclusive, allowing people to participate without disrupting their usual after work routines.

Work-Life Balance

Post-pandemic, priorities realigned. Now, work-life balance is at the top of the employee agenda.. With daytime events, they allow attendees to enjoy the event without disrupting their home lives.

Get Creative

Daytime events offer the opportunity for more creative and innovative approaches to the award ceremony format. Organisers can experiment with different formats, such as outdoor events, interactive activities, or themed events, to create a unique and memorable experience for attendees.

Ride the Bus

Public transport can be a fantastic way to get around the city, especially when the tube operates those later lines past midnight. However, if an event finishes in the early hours, attendees may have a lack of finance friendly options to get them back home. With daytime events, guests have options to choose from, so they don’t need to worry about missing the last tube home.

At Troxy, our large-capacity allows for a whole host of events. Get in touch with our events team today, and start planning your next daytime spectacular: